Ride for Heart

Ride for Heart

Two years ago we were rained out, last year we double booked. So with determination, we re-committed to the Ride for Heart 2017. Portions of the Gardiner Expressway (main highway across Toronto’s downtown/waterfront) and Don Valley Parkway are closed down to vehicular traffic. Cyclists, runners and walkers are welcomed in separate events to take to the road.

Our youngest is now 4 yrs old and able to bike while attached to an adult bike with a Trail-Gator. Our older child is 6 and can handle long rides that match the 25 km length of the Ride for Heart but we have another Trail-gator on my bike just in case his steam runs out.

June 3, 2017

So the morning of our family bike ride … this is what we awoke to:













Undeterred… and perhaps foolishly so, we embarked on our journey downtown to stick with our original plan. Rain gear, extra dry clothes in backpacks, a whole lot of pep talking and then, we approached the start line.

at startline
ready to start

Slightly soggy, the first half hour wasn’t so bad…

But by the two hour mark, a couple of minor mishaps and about another foot of rain (or so, it felt like), the shine of the experience was starting to wear thin for the kids…and me too, to be honest.  Layers no longer dry, fingers getting cold, energy levels waning, and morale about as grey as the morning…. we decided to end the misery and asked for help from a family member to collect us just off the route beyond at the midway point. The promise of snacks at the halfway point or a medal at the end wasn’t even enough to entice the kids.  As we veered off course towards the exit strategy, the kids and I seemed relieved although my husband probably would’ve preferred to actually finish.

We’re proud that we tried in the rain and well.. we’re committed to trying it out again next year… that is if it doesn’t rain.

cold, wet and not quite happy
Can you feel the happiness?